Excerpts from Nithya Satsang delivered on 18 August, 2020 by Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism, Jagatguru Mahasannidhanam, His Divine Holiness Bhagavan Nithyananda Paramashivam
In Hindu tradition, knowledge is sacred. We never try to suppress, oppress, dampen the authority of the knowledge using the concept of sacred. The concept of sacred is used only to strengthen your intensity of seeking, your intention to gain more and more knowledge.
Atato brahma jijnasat – Let us inquire into the ultimate reality existence
Knowledge is sacred. Vidya is divya. We never used the principle called sacred to suppress, oppress, exploration of knowledge. That is the beauty of the tradition. That is why are so open to upgrading, evolving ourselves. It is a living civilization. It was, it is, it will be.
सा विद्या या विमुक्तये
Sā vidyā yā vimuktaye
That is why vidya is given the form of a woman. In Hindu tradition,the woman of the house – her decision, her will persistence – makes the whole family flow in the direction of enlightenment. I have seen how passively, silently, non aggressively, with tremendous will persistence and patience, my own mother led the whole family towards the direction of enlightenment just because she is from that heritage. I don’t think she even consciously planned. Just because she inherited the heritage, she kept it alive very passively. I have never seen my mother shouting or fighting or screaming with my grandmother, means her mother-in-law or my father, her husband – or with anybody in the family! I won’t say she did not have the difficulties of a middle class or lower middle class Hindu family in an indian village. She had all the difficulties. But she always kept the whole thing together, drove the whole thing in the direction of jeevan mukti just because this is what she learnt from the elders. The ecosystem’s inspiration!
Till you are 25, the ecosystem will inspire you. After you cross 25, you should become the strength for the ecosystem. That is life. You can’t go on expecting that the ecosystem should treat you cutely and that it should be strength and support for you. First 25 years, it is okay. But in modern day, you are far more mentally, psychologically, informatively more mature than a Hindu village kid, so you don’t need 25 years. By the time you are 18 or even 16, you claim so much of freedom, power and authority due to the society structure, but you don’t take the responsibility.
All Hindu kids: claiming so much of freedom and throwing tantrum without taking the responsibility, you are destroying Hinduism and the living enlightenment tradition. By 16 or 18, all Hindu kids should start supporting the ecosystem of enlightenment. You can’t be anymore just sucking the ecosystem, be a load on it, throwing all your tantrums and expecting you to be treated very cutely. No. The moment you turn 18, you should become ferocious with yourself and learn to be the support for the ecosystem.
Dharmo rakshati rakshitaha – When you support / protect dharma, dharma supports / protects you.
This principle I am talking now is the economic policy, strategy of the principle of Hinduism. The Hindu civilization is focused on jeevan mukti/enlightenment/moksha. Whether it follows shaiva tradition or ganapati tradition, or shakta or saura or kaumaara tradition or guru worship or vaishnava sampradayas, or any sampradaya, basically the ecosystem, a civilization, samsthana, is focused on enlightenment. People who keep this knowledge of enlightenment and teach, are paid, sponsored at multilevels: paid regularly and sponsored for specific events and supported through grants and donations.
And the people who maintain the social integrity by providing protection from the external destructive/invading forces or internally revolting forces – the kshatriyas – are paid and given awards and rewards. The knowledge keepers who keep the integrity and efficacy of the knowledge are the brahmanas. Those who give protection from external invasions and internal revolts and keep the living enlightenment – jeevan mukthi – lifestyle, the kshatriyas, get paid and are given awards and rewards when they demonstrate the valour of protecting the dharma. Vaishyas are supported with knowledge, encouraged with infrastructure and market, given protection for their wealth by the state, and in turn for all these services from the state to the vaishyas, they pay tax to the state. Shudras are empowered with land and all the equipment needed to grow grains or everything needed for the sustenance of the life, paid, supported with all their needs. It is an amazing unique, very organised, legitimate civilization.
From the pre-bronzian age, the only civilization still alive of course in a very critical stage, beaten and broken, having lost all confidence on themselves is the Hindu tradition. They are constantly being told, “your ancestors are stupid and useless.” once you take away someone’s confidence about their heritage and past, he will not have a future, because he will not try to replicate the glory of his past in the future. He will just surrender to you and listen to you and do what you say as the right future. To enslave and kill a civilization, remove their confidence about their glorious past successfully, the poisoning done is what has happened to Hindu civilization. It is almost in the intensive / emergency care unit.
The only good news is, it is not dead. I am back to revive! I will not let it die.
चातुर्वर्ण्यं मया सृष्टं गुणकर्मविभागशः।
तस्य कर्तारमपि मां विद्ध्यकर्तारमव्ययम्।।4.13।।
Cāturvarṇyaṁ mayā sṛṣṭaṁ guṇakarmavibhāgaśaḥ,
Tasya kartāramapi māṁ viddhyakartāramavyayam.
The 4 categories of varnas were created by me according to the people’s qualities and activities. Although, I am the creator of this system, know me to be eternal and I will come back again and again to keep this system alive.
The only civilization still alive, not dead from pre-bronzian age, is Hindu civilization, varnashrama dharma. I will be back again and again and again, to keep this alive. Giving confidence to people on this system is Hindu economic principle.
For example: if a brahmin does agni hotra every day, teaches vedas to the kids, not only he is given a regular salary by the king, all the punya he acquires, the merit he acquires by these sacred actions, he not only gets KAILASA after death, he can encash his punya even as a usable currency like grains, precious gems, precious metals, and other items needed to run his life. During the ashwamedha yajna, putrakameshti yajna, other major yajnas, yagas, rituals done by the great kings in their kingdoms, they disburse the punya currency in bhu loka, this world’s day-to-day usage currencies.
This principle is going to be a very important principle in KAILASA economy. I am going to revive this principle
If you serve any temple run as per vedagamas, you get punya which not only you can use in KAILASA after you leave the body, you can encash them, withdraw as currency even for your day-to-day use which can be in the form of grain, precious gems and precious metals. I mean what I am saying. This is the fundamental policy with which the KAILASA economic strategy and policies are getting evolved. It is bringing economic legitimacy to the all religious actions, activities you perform.
For example, if you walk around arunachala, arunachala purana describes that you get certain punya with which you can achieve and enjoy KAILASA. Not only you get that, you also get the country’s currency to withdraw and receive in the form of grain, precious metal, precious gems. The ritual happening where all the disbursement happens is the yaga /yajna conducted by the kings in those days.
For example, when a brahmin comes, the senior brahmins decide, “this person is practicing this many vedic rituals and teachings, so he gets this much of punya in KAILASA and this much of country currency in the form of grains, precious gems, metals, clothes, whatever… This was the living economy of Hindu tradition, Hindu samasthanas and Hindu kingdoms. I will revive it with the grace of ganapati and Paramashiva and all the gods and goddesses of KAILASA, with their blessings, I will revive it!
These principles are elaborately described in vedas and agamas. That is going to form the basic structure of KAILASA economic policies and strategies. Everyone is supported so beautifully. No one feels insecure to manipulate or exploit the economy. That is the most beautiful structure of Hindu economy! It is a such a tremendous deep confidence building system and so much of security was given.
Let me openly declare: my gurus performed the yoga pattabhishekam in 1994 and have put me on the throne. All my last 26 years of life, whatever I tried to do in ramakrishna mission as a volunteer, brahmachari, sanyasi or after I started this sangha, all my economy policies were trying to revive these principles of Hinduism. How we can give confidence to people on the living enlightenment system and how that can become not only the cosmic currency, but even the country currency. I was trying various trial and error methods, but I tell you very confidently with the grace of Paramashiva, I am successful in coming to very balanced clear policies and principles which will intensely give confidence and secured feeling to the people so that they will be part of this whole धर्मो रक्षति रक्षितः “dharmo rakshati rakshitaha” meaning, “protecting dharma and letting dharma protect us”; empowering and protecting dharma so that it becomes a living energy to protect us!
I received this knowledge of Hindu economy policies and principles directly from the blessing of my guru – arunagiri yogishwara. I then learnt the history how it should be used to be a living reality, from the 230th gurumahasannidhanam of thondai mandala aadheenam, sri jnana prakasha desika paramacharya swamigal. I want to put this on record. Forever he should be remembered as “reviver of Hindu economic policies and principles”. He used to teach me how in those days the samsthanas received tax and how they distributed salaries, gifts, awards, rewards.
For example, when a brahmana performs something great, when he is a high achiever, he is supported and gifted with some things which strengthens his lifestyle. Same way, when a kshatriya performs something great and becomes a high achiever, he is gifted some things which supports and strengthens his valour and lifestyle and what is expected from him for a successful society! He gets glory, name and fame, and many women decide to marry him. He is glorified in such a way that the society so enamoured by his glory and valour. Same way, a vaishya, when he achieves something, the glorification done is different! The glorification done to him supports him in his profession to achieve more success. A great amazing, beautiful society was kept alive with the principle of enlightenment!
I want to tell and thank all the people who contributed and are contributing to this KAILASA by giving your time or treasure or talent: you are doing something absolutely good to yourself and the world by supporting this huge cause. It is with extreme integrity, sincerity, that a great possibility for human society, is tested, tried, actually succeeded and getting revived! The trial run is successful! I am not “reformer”, I am “reviver”.
In Hindu tradition, there are two layers in the economic principle. One is the currency. Technically the currency concept if I translate in sanskrit, it means the grain-based currency which just by possessing or owning, has it own utility value. Whether it is grains or precious metals, gems, by its own existence, it has a value and no other body is required to establish its value. By you owning and the way it is used and demanded by the healthy society, by this simple existence, it has value.
Second, the regulatory body always ensured that the principle of enlightenment was kept alive in all their regulatory principles. How and why gold should be considered as a precious metal. How and why what gems will be considered as precious…Everything! The whole regulating mechanism was enlightenment centric!
The king raja raja built huge temples. It is not that he built only the tanjore temple, he built a large number of temples. Krishna devraya built a large number of temples. All great known kings of Hinduism, whether cambodia or somnath, chidambaram or tanjore or Nepal or jagannath or sri lanka….Anywhere, where Hindu civilization was prevalent, it was all temple-centric and temple-based because that was the source of our knowledge, economic principles, systems and strategies. Temple building and sustenance was the most beautiful method to keep the economy current.
Currency has value as long as the current is kept alive. The current is kept alive to keep the value of the currency through this large sized temple building and running. The concept of common debt is the story of venkateswara borrowing money from kubera for his marriage and still repaying the loan!I it is most beautiful if you understand the story. You will understand the concept of common debt! You will understand how beautifully, dharmically, the modern day concept of common debt is expressed in this story of venkateswara.
The glory of the temple of the capital of Hindu kingdoms was actually the way they attracted the citizens from all over the world and the way they kept their citizens integrated, inspired and motivated to the kingdom. Amazing spiritual enlightenment based patriotism, enlightenment based economy, enlightenment based nationalism, enlightenment based integrity. Even when you have mood swings, confusions about your individual lifestyle and your individual balance sheet, and it is not giving you confidence about life, if your understanding about the common goal, about the concept of the civilization, if that is alive, you will not become a traitor. You will continue to be integrated and raise and raise and fit yourself, discovering yourself and discovering how to fit yourself into the society – both!
Every word I am uttering is the most beautiful principle of Hindu economic policies. This is the principle on which Hindu education and policy making happened, on which Hindu politics, administration, judiciary, economic principles and strategies were evolved and kept alive. Hindu currency was kept current, alive through this mechanism. This mechanism used to be stirring to keep the Hindu currency current.
Like how in the modern day government function, like in the post corona period, now, how every government is trying to revive its economy through various plans, policies, grants, every year, the Hindu kingdoms used to conduct the rituals, festivals to trigger and revive the economy, to keep its currency current. Sometimes people are made to build, support the common pool and sometimes the pool is taken out and shared with the people. But it was all done in a very dharmic way to keep the science of living enlightenment. Whether you are taxed, or given grants, everything was based on enlightenment/jeevan mukti. It was moksha based artha, moksha-centric artha. Moksha is kept as the first priority whether in dharma, artha or kama.
Just because we had a few failures in few wars and lost few lands due to traitors, doesn’t mean our principles are wrong. If you think that, you are a fool! It is like how a few fools are thinking that just if you are involved in voting alone during the election period once in five years, you can maintain the Hindu civilization. No! A constant involvement and activism is required to keep the Hindu civilization alive and to revive Hindu civilization. Unfortunately, modern Hindus strongly believe that if you make the right decision on the voting day and vote, it is all done. No, it is wrong! Everyday activism, involvement into the society is required to revive Hindu civilization and Hindu principles. I don’t know when Hindus are going to wake up to this truth.
But I will keep this truth alive in one corner of the world – in the form of KAILASA. KAILASA is the seed bank of Hinduism. It is just like how manu built a ship and kept all the best seeds alive to revive post-deluge, post-pralaya. Same way, I am building KAILASA and keeping all the seeds to keep all the best things of Hinduism to revive post pralaya.
सम्भवामि युगे युगे…!
Sambhavāmi yuge yuge
I will come again and again to do this work. I have come for this work and I will perform it and I will achieve it! To tell you honestly, “I have done it.” I just have to do further expansion.
From 1 AD to the year 1700, bharat contributed about 30% of the world’s known GDP. For 1700 years, the period of recorded history. If you go to pre-recorded history, bharat only had GDP! The concept of GDP did not exist in any other part of the world. In the known world, the most organised, most ancient, the most continuous civilization was Hindu civilization. Unfortunately, Hindus have started believing that Hinduism is functional only for religious and enlightenment purposes and it is dysfunctional for politics or economic or social or judicial systems. Even Hindus are brainwashed. O Hindus! Please wake up to the truth! We were, we are and we will be a legitimate, functional system, not just spiritually, religiously, even economically, judicially, socially, politically in every level without compromising, altering, adulterating.
You don’t need reformers, you need revivers! O Hindus, wake up! Our ancestors were intelligent to evolve a system, so we don’t need reformers, we need revivers. I want this to be today’s message. All kailashians: spread this message to the whole world: we don’t need reformers, we need revivers! Hindus need to be told this. Blow the conch – shankhanatha! We need revivers not reformers. Enough reformers have harmed Hinduism as much as anti-Hindus. Reformers are as dangerous, destructive and negative as invaders, as anti-Hindus, to Hinduism. Reformers are disguised invaders. Reformers are the traitors used by the invaders to destroy Hinduism. We are strong enough, powerful enough principally. The principal and principles of Hinduism only need to be revived, it does not need to be reformed. Do the jaya gosha, shankhanatha, tirukkailaya vadya and tell the world: Hinduism needs revivers, not reformers!
The concept of dravya, dana in Hinduism is clearly defined in the amara koshas: for brahmanas, what is dana – wealth, for kshatriyas, what is dana – wealth, for vaishyas, what is dana – wealth, for shudras, what is dana – wealth.
Amara kosha’s original verse:
द्रव्यं वित्तं स्वापतेयं रिक्थमृक्थं धनं वसु।
हिरण्यं द्रविणं द्युम्नमर्थरैविभवा अपि।।
Dravyaṃ vittaṃ svāpateyaṃ rikthamṛkthaṃ dhanaṃ vasu।
Hiraṇyaṃ draviṇaṃ dyumnamartharaivibhavā api
These definitions form the fundamental economic principles of KAILASA.
Synonyms of the word dana:
- Dravyam – material
- Viththam – currency, goods. Goods bartered is also considered currency. Like I said, Hindu economy was grain based. By its own weight and possession, it is valuable. It does not need any central regulatory body to declare that this paper has this much of value. No. By just the possession of the semi-precious stone or precious stone or the grain, it brings value, due to its utility and demand in the society.
- Svaapatheyam – owned, earned property
- Riktham – inherited property. When you inherit a property, you also inherit the intention of your ancestor, tied, married to that property. So inheritance in Hinduism is a will. As long as you maintain that will, you have right over the property. If not, you don’t own that property any more! This was the way the Hindu tradition was kept alive! Hindu fathers will work for the seven generations of their children. Same way, they will inculcate the lifestyle, knowledge, principles in their children. Unfortunately now, in the modern day, neither they keep wealth for their children, nor inculcate Hindu values into the children. Both should be done. I want my followers to keep wealth for their next generation and inculcate these Hindu values into your next generation. The next generation also should respect the riktham – inherited property and the will of the ancestors.
- Ruktham – possessing and enjoying and expanding it!
- Danam – money
- Vasu – land
- Hiranyam – gold
- Dravinam – movable property which is useful
- Dyumnam – power and strength. It means the capacity to understand the principles of the economy and change the investments and keeping yourself alive, current, and your currency current.
- Artha – business concern, work
- Rai – riches
- Vibhava – magnanimity, omnipresence, power
It is about understanding the omnipresence and capabilities of danam and keeping your magnanimity to keep the omnipresence alive all over the world. If you honour your commitment only they will honour their commitment. That is what is magnanimity. Kavikalpadruma gives the synonym of danam as daanyam. It means, The grain based economy and all other principles as I described from amarakosha now, are going to be forming the fundamental principles for Hindu economic policies and strategies. Hindu will is absolutely different from the legal paper used today for establishing inheritance.
Hindu will is lifestyle based. If you are from the varna of brahmana and you inherit your ancestors’ property and they were also brahmana by varna, only if you follow the principles of brahmana varna, you have the right over the property. It is so juicy and delicious even to understand artha shastra and Hindu economic principles! What brilliant ancestors we had! Definitions of danam in Hindu tradition: Dana – is the earth which bears the roots and seeds and that produces grains.
If at all our next generation starts tasting the Hindu economic policies, they will understand this is most beautiful, brilliant and delicious and they will just fall in love with it and simply the whole Hindu economic principles will be revived! My job is only to make you taste the deliciousness of Hindu economic principles by reviving the Hindu reserve bank and Hindu currency. Hindu knowledge is capable enough to revive itself, resurrect, re-establish itself, reignite the passion in you and excite you again. Just if I share the knowledge and educative, it is enough. That is all I am trying to do! I have so much more to share.